URBAN Informatics and Intelligent Infrastructure LAB.
(URI3AN) 도시정보지능화연구실
Enhancing our quality of life through sustainable, resilient, and intelligent built environment and cities
Enhancing our quality of life through sustainable, resilient, and intelligent built environment and cities
Contact Information
email: hwangsj@ewha.ac.kr
Office: 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seoul, 03760, Korea
Phone: +82-2-3277-6952
2024 봄
2024.02.23김시연 이미성 박사 학위취득김태은 석사 학위취득
2023.08.23김연주이희정 석사 학위취득
2023.02.28이희정 석사 학위취득
2020.07.20김시연, 이미성, 이희림 석사 학위취득