38419: Introduction to Architectural and Urban Systems Engineering (2017–Present)
Introduction of the major issues in the profession of architectural and urban systems engineering
(Team teaching with Prof. Jun-Seong Yi)
In Korean: 건축도시시스템공학개론
36377: Capstone Design (2020–Present)
A project to propose creative ideas for element technology to be used in buildings and urban systems
In Korean: 건축도시시스템종합설계
36378: Urban Disaster Risk Management and Public Safety (2020–Present)
A fundamental understanding of urban disaster risk management and public safety management for resilient urban systems
In Korean: 도시안전과방재
38441: Introduction to Urban Infrastructure Systems (2018–Present)
Basic principles for successful management of urban infrastructure systems, including infrastructure planning, financing, engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance, with a consideration of physical, technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects of urban infrastructures as well as relevant policies and regulations
In Korean: 도시인프라의이해
37287: Building Information Modeling and Applications (2019–Present)
An overview of data and information Modeling in building and construction and practices of 3D-based modeling for generating and managing construction- or building-related data and information.
In Korean: 건축정보모델링및활용
G17653: Research Design in Planning (2022–Present)
An understanding of research design and methodology in the field of urban planning
In Korean: 도시연구방법론
G17656: Urban Planning Theory (2021–Present)
Review and discussions on planning theories within the context of the history of urban planning and their implications for practice
In Korean: 계획이론연구
G17669: Dynamic Analysis of Architectural and Urban Systems (2019–Present)
A comprehensive exploration of current issues in the sustainable growth of cities through an in-depth understanding of interactions of urban sub-systems (e.g., economics, populations, politics, cultures, transportation, housing, land, etc.) and infrastructure systems using computer simulation and modeling techniques
In Korean: 건축도시동태분석
G17609: Advanced Information and Communication Technologies for Smarter Cities (2018–Present)
A broad introduction to advanced data processing and analysis methods, with a focus on the use of machine learning techniques for managing urban data streams generated by ICTs.
In Korean: 첨단ICT와도시시스템
G17660: Cyber Physical Social System for Smart Cities (2020)
Understanding of the concept of cyber-physical-social system(CPSS) for smarter cities and technical aspects of CPSS such as simulation modeling, digital twin, and sensor-control mechanisms
In Korean: 도시사회와가상물리시스템
G17657: Human-oriented Urban System Management (2019)
A fundamental understanding of human factors associated with various people in an urban area, including their emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral characteristics, to devise strategies for better urban system and infrastructure management with a focus on human safety, health, and wellness.
In Korean: 인간중심의도시시스템관리
G16688: Dynamic Construction Modeling & Simulation (2018)
A fundamental understanding of the use of computer simulation in construction projects and urban infrastructure management
In Korean: 건설컴퓨터시뮬레이션
36382: Architectural Engineering Capstone Design (2017-2019)
Full-scale studies of real value engineering (VE) projects
In Korean: 건축공학종합설계
36569: Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application for Project Management (2017–2018)
An overview of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
In Korean: BIM기반건설정보관리
G16689: Project Management System (2017)
Fundamentals of project-based organization, change management, resource management focusing primarily on human aspects, organizational behavior and culture, change and interface management, and performance (e.g., productivity, quality, and safety) improvement
In Korean: 프로젝트관리시스템
38418: Architectural and Urban Systems Computer Programming (2017)
Introduction to computer applications in architectural and urban systems engineering and object-oriented programming
In Korean: 건축도시시스템컴퓨터프로그래밍